"Knowledge is Power"
It is not our style to keep you in the dark in terms of preparation before or after your body waxing service. We will always inform everyone via our website & in person, everything you need to know. If you still have questions, we are here to help. Ask away!
- Give yourself a couple of hours after drinking coffee or alcohol before getting waxed. Instead, drink water to hydrate your body and skin. We recommend 16 - 24 oz before your appointment. - Take Ibuprofen 30 minutes prior to your appointment. - Moisturize 1 day prior with an unscented product (i.e.; coconut oil or Cetaphil)
- Wear loose comfortable clothing. - No sweating (ie tanning beds, working out) - You can apply hydrocortisone cream, if needed, if you experience sensitivity in the waxed area. - To prevent ingrown hairs & irritation: EXFOLIATING is a must! Be sure to do this 24 hrs after your wax & 2x a week thereafter.
- Retinal's and harsh topical creams cannot be used 7 days prior to a facial wax OR 24 hour after.
- You CAN absolutely get waxed during your period, however; we ask that you wear a tampon and tuck your string. Also to note: During your cycle, your skin may be more sensitive than usual during your service.
- Hair should be about 1/4th of an inch long before getting waxed. - If you have just recently shaved, you will need approximately 2 - 2 1/2 weeks of hair growth in order to get waxed.
- Varies from person to person because hair growth cycles are different for everyone. But typically a wax will last 2 full weeks and we recommend waxing every 4 weeks.